Upcoming Events
The Empty Luggage
This is expected to be a weekly series in January 2024, meant for teaching, sharing by participants and praying as one Body of Christ. Organised by Y's Men Fellowship.
No prior registration is needed for this event.
Date/Day: Tuesdays - 9, 16, 23, 30 Jan 2024
Time: 1245pm
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85311297621?pwd=Zzd5WFNLWU4vVnkwUklxQUxNQy9mUT09
Meeting ID: 853 1129 7621 Passcode: 053177
This is the last online Enlightenment Talk of 2022. All recordings of past talks are available at Recordings > Lighthouse Series.
Enlightenment Talk 6 - Crossing Over with Jesus
This is expected to be a fortnightly series meant for teaching, sharing by participants and praying as one Body of Christ.
No prior registration is needed for this event.
Date/Day: -
Zoom Link: -
Meeting ID: - Passcode: -
This event is over. There are no recordings.
A Call to Prayer
The Call to Prayer is held over Zoom, and will be preceded by internet fasting for at least 24 hours before the event.
No prior registration is needed for this event.
Date: Sun 10 July 2022 Time: 8pm (SGT) (GMT +8)
Zoom Link: -
Meeting ID: - Passcode: -
While online activities are unavoidable in our life, it is also important to have a significant break from the internet, which has become the constant focus of our mind, heart and spirit.
It is time to return to our Lord Jesus the sanctity of time, which He created for His glory. We should train ourselves to hear from Him in holy silence, even as we perceive signs of the Lord's work and His impending return. Let us give the highest honor due to Him!
If it is impossible to stay offline due to family or work-related matters, then it should be fine to stay online. However, other than those reasons, we are strongly encouraged to take a break from the internet or to minimise screen time: no social media, no browsing, no checking of Breaking News. Instead, we use the time to wait in silence and prepare our hearts, to hear His divine Breaking News from Heaven.
When we come together in corporate prayer after the fast, we will be more focused to offer Him our sacrifices.
This series is over. Please proceed to Recordings > Leaders' Training - SOPAI 2022, for the recordings & notes of all sessions.
School of Prayer & Intercession 2022 - Leaders' Training (SOPAI-LT)
SOPAI-LT is a 10-week series led by Amin & Ester Tanumihardjo. It starts on 1 Mar 2022.
Leaders are in God’s heart. He appoints them to serve His purposes. The church is in need of servant-leaders who lead with the example of Christ Himself. Jesus is our ultimate Model Leader, whose image we are to be transformed into as we journey with Him as leaders. For that to happen, it is equally important to serve under the leadership of His Holy Spirit.
This 10-week series aims at nurturing a group of leaders who will take up their mantle as prayer and servant leaders in their respective spiritual communities. These leaders will learn to be Spirit-led and Word-based in the way they serve and lead, either in formal or informal roles of leadership. God looks for leaders who are willing to venture into new or unusual places so that His Name is used powerfully - by His true servants in His Kingdom.
About the Speakers
Amin and Ester Tanumihardjo are called by God to intercede for the church as well as to teach and counsel leaders. They have been Bible Teachers for decades and at present serve in various platforms at and from their country of residence. Ester last taught in the School of Prayer & Intercession in 2021 organised by Y’s Men Fellowship and is the writer of 2 books published in 2021.
Course Details
Dates: Tuesdays – 1 Mar, 8 Mar, 15 Mar, 22 Mar, 29 Mar, 5 Apr, 12 Apr, 19 Apr, 26 Apr, 3 May 2022
Time: 1pm – 2pm (SGT) (GMT +8)
(Praise and worship at 12.45pm)
Zoom Link is the same for ALL sessions: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/94834929275?pwd=YjFwSWkwQTc4OUVsRWs4MXZmZHZyQT09
Meeting ID: 948 3492 9275 Passcode: 687198
This series is co-hosted by Lighthouse Fellowship and Y's Men Fellowship. Recordings of these sessions will be made available at the Recordings page of the Lighthouse website. However it is highly recommended that participants join the 'live' sessions.
No prior registration is needed as the Zoom sessions are on a first-enter-first-admitted basis.
This event is over. Please proceed to Recordings > Y's Men Fellowship for the recordings and notes.
What is the Lord Saying to His Church in 2022?
This is an event at the Y's Men Fellowship platform by Ester Tanumihardjo.
Date: Tue 22 Feb 2022
Time: 1 – 2 pm Singapore Time (GMT +8) (Praise and worship at 12.45pm)
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/94834929275?pwd=YjFwSWkwQTc4OUVsRWs4MXZmZHZyQT09
Meeting ID: 948 3492 9275 Passcode: 687198
No prior registration is needed as the Zoom sessions are on a first-enter-first-admitted basis.
Recordings will be made available at the Recordings page of this website after the event.
About the Speakers
Amin and Ester Tanumihardjo are called by God to intercede for the church as well as to teach and counsel leaders. They have been Bible Teachers for decades and at present serve in various platforms at and from their country of residence. Ester last taught in the School of Prayer & Intercession in 2021 organised by Y’s Men Fellowship and is the writer of 2 books published in 2021.
This event is over. Please proceed to Recordings > Lighthouse Series for the recordings and notes.
Heavenly Longing
A Lighthouse Fellowship Talk by Amin Tanumihardjo on Thursday 17 Feb 2022, 8-9pm Singapore Time (GMT +8).
Course Details
Date: Thur 17 Feb 2022
Time: 8-9 pm Singapore Time (GMT +8)
Zoom Link: -
Meeting ID: - Passcode: -
No prior registration is needed as the Zoom sessions are on a first-enter-first-admitted basis.
Recordings will be made available at the Recordings page of this website after the event.
About the Speakers
Amin and Ester Tanumihardjo are called by God to intercede for the church as well as to teach and counsel leaders. They have been Bible Teachers for decades and at present serve in various platforms at and from their country of residence. Ester last taught in the School of Prayer & Intercession in 2021 organised by Y’s Men Fellowship and is the writer of 2 books published in 2021.
This event is over. Please proceed to Recordings > Y's Men Fellowship for the recordings and notes.
Bringing My Parents to Christ - A Journey of Faith & Surrender
This is a sharing at the Y's Men Fellowship platform by Luisa Teng.
Luisa Teng’s parents came to Christ in 2019, but the journey to bring them to the feet of Christ started in 2016, when her dad first suffered a stroke. This sharing recounts the events and ordeals that took place leading to Mr Teng’s miraculous declaration of his belief in Christ at the age of 80, the baptism of both of Luisa’s parents, and the divine restoration of his physical health thereafter. Luisa shares her reflections and learning points on what it took to faithfully intercede and stand in the gap for her parents, and how by God’s grace the victory was granted for them to be born again into the Kingdom of God.
This talk hosted by Y's Men Fellowship. Recordings of this session will be made available at the Recordings page of the Lighthouse website.
Course Details
Date: Tue 8 Feb 2022 (Part 1), 7 July 2022 (Part 2)
Time: 1 – 2 pm Singapore Time (GMT +8) (Praise and worship at 12.45pm)
Zoom Link: -
Meeting ID: - Passcode: -
No prior registration is needed as the Zoom sessions are on a first-enter-first-admitted basis.
Recordings will be made available at the Recordings page of this website after the event.
About the Speaker
Luisa Teng lives in Singapore and teaches English Language at a local mission school. Her experiences in bringing her parents to Christ, in being the editor of the publications by Lighthouse Fellowship, and the administrator of the teaching platform, have taught her much about the immovable aspects of her life which God desires for her to challenge.
This event is over. Please proceed to Recordings > Lighthouse Series for the recordings and notes.
God's Wrath
A Lighthouse Fellowship Talk by Ester Tanumihardjo on Thursday 20 Jan 2022, 8-9pm Singapore Time (GMT +8).
Zoom ID: - Passcode: -
This is an online talk on Zoom. No registration is needed but only 100 places are available, on a first-enter-first-admitted basis, on the day of the event. Recordings and notes will be available on the Lighthouse Fellowship website after the event.
Psalm 100:3 ~
The Bible commands us to know the Lord, our God. As His people it is imperative that we understand deeper of His character, His thoughts, His purposes for us. Many believers only think of and focus on God’s grace, mercy, blessing, protection, and provision. Those are true. But we also need to learn that God can be angry when it comes to sin.
Deuteronomy 7:9 ~
God is faithful. It means He is faithful to His Words. What He says He will commit to fulfil them. This also applies when the Lord sees sin and disobedience. He has spoken that there will be consequences to such transgressions and iniquities.
The time is now to heed God’s warning in the Last Days. In His mercy He will give us a chance to repent and return to Him.
This series is over. Please proceed to Recordings > SOPAI for the recordings & notes of all sessions.
Topics covered
Session #1: Having The Right Spirit
Session #2: Heart Issues
Session #3: The Intercession of Christ
Session #4: The Groanings of the Holy Spirit
Session #5: The Fire of The Word of God
Session #6: Brokenness and Humility
Session #7: At War!
Session #8: Is it a Fast that I have Chosen?
Session #9: Where are the Soldiers?
Session #10: Just The Simple Faith
Y's Men Fellowship - School of Prayer & Intercession (SOPAI) 2021
School of Prayer & Intercession 2021 is a 10-week series with Ester Tanumihardjo that starts on 19 Oct 2021.
The contents of this series will not be based on the syllabus that Ester has previously taught. The times that we live in are unprecedented. We need the Holy Spirit to school us in prayer and intercession and to show us the way forward.
As such, Ester will seek the Lord on what He wants to bring to the school this season. We strongly encourage you to make plans so that you could fully commit yourself to the full 10 sessions. Although attendance will not be tracked, lessons may be in sequel. As such, commitment to the 10 sessions is best for full benefit from the school.
Do mark and reserve the dates for the school. We look forward to learning and hearing from God together and making a difference in our world and the Church, through our prayer and intercession.
All men, ladies, young adults who wish to learn deeply about prayer and intercession are welcomed.
Dates: Tuesdays - 19 Oct, 26 Oct, 2 Nov, 9 Nov, 16 Nov, 23 Nov, 30 Nov, 7 Dec, 14 Dec, 21 Dec 2021
Time: 1pm – 2pm (SGT) (GMT +8)
(Praise and worship at 12.45pm)
Zoom Link is the same for ALL sessions:
Meeting ID: 948 3492 9275 Passcode: 687198
This series is hosted by Y's Men Fellowship. Recordings of these sessions will be made available at the Recordings page of this website, although it is highly recommended that if time permits, that participants join the 'live' sessions.
Organized by:
Rebecca, Kum Koon and Suzanne
Y's Men Fellowship
This event is over. Please proceed to Recordings > SOPAI for the recordings & notes.
A Call To Prayer
This is an online Corporate Prayer event over Zoom, organized by Y's Men Fellowship. It is held at the milestone moment of crossing the halfway point of SOPAI 2021.
There will be 3 prayer pointers:
The great day of the Lord is imminent. Let us pray in anticipation of the Lord's coming and the Wedding of the Lamb and His Church.
Let us come together to pray in repentance.
Let us pray and await the fulfilment of Zephaniah 3:17 ~ "He will rejoice over you with singing"!
Speaker: Ester Tanumihardjo
Date: Monday 22 November 2021
Time: 730-830pm Singapore Time (GMT +8)
We have learnt much in 5 sessions about Prayer & Intercession and now we need to start putting it into practice.
May we strongly encourage you to make time for this prayer meeting. We will be praying corporately as well as breaking out into different rooms for prayer. Participants are encouraged to join the breakout rooms but not obliged to.
Let’s learn how to pray and intercede and then do it with others. That’s how the Lord’s army will be built in these last days. Invite someone to join us. It doesn’t matter if your friend has not attended the teaching sessions.
We require all participants to register for this event. Please do so by Sunday, 21 Nov 2021. Zoom details will be provided to registered participants only.
Register at https://forms.gle/qvjUJGkPFDkvCdVf7
Rebecca, Kum Koon and Suzanne
Y's Men Fellowship
This event is over.
The Heart of Intercession - In the Footsteps of Christ
This is an event hosted by Alby for Ester Tanumihardjo.
Date: Thursday 4 November 2021 Postponed to Monday 8 Nov 2021
Time: 7:30 to 9:30pm Singapore Time (GMT +8)
Fee: $10
As this event is not hosted by Lighthouse Fellowship, video and audio recordings will not be available after the event.
The $10 registration fee is collected by Alby. Participants will obtain a free copy of Ester's book Life of an Intercessor.
We live in an unprecedented time. Signs in the universe as well as global events affirm that the Second Coming of Jesus is approaching. The prophecies in the Bible clearly state that this eventuality is imminent.
What should we do in preparation and anticipation?
One thing that is urgently needed is our Awakening in Prayer and Intercession! We must enter into an unprecedented season of prayer, individually and corporately.
As Christians, we are not supposed to say any longer, “Prayer is not my thing. I am not called to prayer.” In fact, God actually calls all of His children into prayer.
Jesus Christ Himself is the Greatest Intercessor. The Bible says He always lives to intercede for us. Surely we should follow His example - there is no room for a weak prayer life.
The talk will cover the biblical view of intercession, the lessons to glean from Jesus the Intercessor, and the call to pray for the Body of Christ in the Last Days.
This event is over. Please proceed to
Recordings >SOPAI Series for the recordings & notes.
School of Prayer & Intercession - Session #1 (Re-run)
Apologies for the disruption this afternoon. We will rerun Session #1. Those who missed it or who would like to listen again, please join us. Please let your friends know.
Date: Wednesday, 20 Oct 2021
Time: 8pm (SGT) (GMT +8)
Zoom Link: -
Meeting ID: - Passcode: -
Rebecca from Y's Men Fellowship
This event is over. Please proceed to
Recordings >Lighthouse Series for the recordings & notes.
Holy Sanctification in Daily Living
A Lighthouse Fellowship Talk by Amin Tanumihardjo on Saturday 9 Oct, 4-5 30pm SGT (GMT +8)
Zoom ID: - Password: -
Admission starts at 3 40pm on the day of the event.
Amin and Ester Tanumihardjo have been serving together in the Kingdom of God for more than 2 decades. Their main burden is for discipleship. They teach and preach at local churches, and also on various platforms to an international audience.
Disciples of Christ should exercise Spirit-led reflections in daily life, in which the Word of God is applicable and actionable in all aspects of practical life.
In this talk, Amin would like to encourage believers to embrace the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. This will lead us to a deeper righteousness and holiness. Such virtues will prepare us to stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ.
Kindly forward the above information to friends whom you think would benefit from this session. All new participants are encouraged to sign up to be included in our mailing list so that they are directly informed of all future talks and events. To join our mailing list, please go to the HOME page of this website.
This event is over. Please proceed to
Recordings >Lighthouse Series for the recordings & notes.
Crossing Over with Jesus - Tapping into God's Heartbeat in Our Time
A Lighthouse Fellowship talk by Ester Tanumihardjo on Saturday 18 Sept, 430-630pm SGT (GMT +8)
In her first book “Life of an Intercessor” Ester Tanumihardjo shares in an in-depth manner on intercession as well as the need to heed God’s wake-up call for us to enter into radical intercession. The book also contains prophetic words about the End-Times and the imminence of God’s judgment. In this event, Ester shares further on what God has put in her heart to prepare God’s people for the Last Days.
We desperately need a revival in many ways. God desires to revive His people. Joshua 3 is an account of what happened when Israel crossed the Jordan to enter the Promised Land, and contains many lessons we can glean from. The Ark of the Covenant that went before the Israelites is the picture of Jesus. The Hebrew children had not traveled the suggested route before. Similarly, it is time for Jesus to take back His full leadership over the church of our day. When God sends out a revival among His people, it does not travel along the well-trodden roads of tradition. Revival follows God’s advancing presence into unchartered territories of promise.
A Zoom Link will be sent to your email address nearer the date of the event. Please register for the talk in the FORM on the left.
Please check your email Inbox and/or Spam Folder 3 days before the event for the Zoom Link.